Via Ann Peters, llegan unas notas bibliograficas que asumimos son de Dan Sandweiss
> The Lettered Mountain: A Peruvian Village’s Way with Writing
> Author(s): Frank Salomon, Mercedes Nino-Murcia
> 2011
> Description
> Andean peoples joined the world of alphabetic literacy nearly 500 years ago, yet the history of their literacy has remained hidden until now. In The Lettered Mountain, Frank Salomon and Mercedes Niño-Murcia expand notions of literacy and challenge
> stereotypes of Andean “orality” by analyzing the writings of mountain villagers from Inka times to the Internet era. Their historical ethnography is based on extensive research in the village of Tupicocha, in the central Peruvian province of
> Huarochirí. The region has a special place in the history of Latin American letters as the home of the unique early-seventeenth-century Quechua-language book explaining Peru’s ancient gods and priesthoods. Granted access to Tupicocha’s surprisingly
> rich internal archives, Salomon and Niño-Murcia found that legacy reflected in a distinctive version of lettered life developed prior to the arrival of state schools. In their detailed ethnography, writing emerges as a vital practice underlying
> specifically Andean sacred culture and self-governance. At the same time, the authors find that Andean relations with the nation-state have been disadvantaged by state writing standards developed in dialogue with European academies but not with the
> rural literate tradition.
> ******************
> Histories of Race and Racism: The Andes and Mesoamerica from Colonial Times to the Present
> Editor: Laura Gotkowit
> 2011
> Description
> Ninety percent of the indigenous population in the Americas lives in the Andean and Mesoamerican nations of Bolivia, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru, and Guatemala. Recently indigenous social movements in these countries have intensified debate about racism
> and drawn attention to the connections between present-day discrimination and centuries of colonialism and violence. In Histories of Race and Racism, anthropologists, historians, and sociologists consider the experiences and representations of
> Andean and Mesoamerican indigenous peoples from the early colonial era to the present. Many of the essays focus on Bolivia, where the election of the country’s first indigenous president, Evo Morales, sparked fierce disputes over political power,
> ethnic rights, and visions of the nation. The contributors compare the interplay of race and racism with class, gender, nationality, and regionalism in Bolivia, Ecuador, Guatemala, Mexico, and Peru. In the process, they engage issues including
> labor, education, census taking, cultural appropriation and performance, mestizaje, social mobilization, and antiracist legislation. Their essays shed new light on the present by describing how race and racism have mattered in particular Andean and
> Mesoamerican societies at specific moments in time.
> Contributors
> Rossana Barragán
> Kathryn Burns
> Andrés Calla
> Pamela Calla
> Rudi Colloredo-Mansfeld
> María Elena García
> Laura Gotkowitz
> Charles R. Hale
> Brooke Larson
> Claudio Lomnitz
> José Antonio Lucero
> Florencia E. Mallon
> Khantuta Muruchi
> Deborah Poole
> Seemin Qayum
> Arturo Taracena Arriola
> Sinclair Thomson
> Esteban Ticona Alejo
> The Lettered Mountain: A Peruvian Village’s Way with Writing
> Author(s): Frank Salomon, Mercedes Nino-Murcia
> 2011
> Description
> Andean peoples joined the world of alphabetic literacy nearly 500 years ago, yet the history of their literacy has remained hidden until now. In The Lettered Mountain, Frank Salomon and Mercedes Niño-Murcia expand notions of literacy and challenge
> stereotypes of Andean “orality” by analyzing the writings of mountain villagers from Inka times to the Internet era. Their historical ethnography is based on extensive research in the village of Tupicocha, in the central Peruvian province of
> Huarochirí. The region has a special place in the history of Latin American letters as the home of the unique early-seventeenth-century Quechua-language book explaining Peru’s ancient gods and priesthoods. Granted access to Tupicocha’s surprisingly
> rich internal archives, Salomon and Niño-Murcia found that legacy reflected in a distinctive version of lettered life developed prior to the arrival of state schools. In their detailed ethnography, writing emerges as a vital practice underlying
> specifically Andean sacred culture and self-governance. At the same time, the authors find that Andean relations with the nation-state have been disadvantaged by state writing standards developed in dialogue with European academies but not with the
> rural literate tradition.
> ******************
> Histories of Race and Racism: The Andes and Mesoamerica from Colonial Times to the Present
> Editor: Laura Gotkowit
> 2011
> Description
> Ninety percent of the indigenous population in the Americas lives in the Andean and Mesoamerican nations of Bolivia, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru, and Guatemala. Recently indigenous social movements in these countries have intensified debate about racism
> and drawn attention to the connections between present-day discrimination and centuries of colonialism and violence. In Histories of Race and Racism, anthropologists, historians, and sociologists consider the experiences and representations of
> Andean and Mesoamerican indigenous peoples from the early colonial era to the present. Many of the essays focus on Bolivia, where the election of the country’s first indigenous president, Evo Morales, sparked fierce disputes over political power,
> ethnic rights, and visions of the nation. The contributors compare the interplay of race and racism with class, gender, nationality, and regionalism in Bolivia, Ecuador, Guatemala, Mexico, and Peru. In the process, they engage issues including
> labor, education, census taking, cultural appropriation and performance, mestizaje, social mobilization, and antiracist legislation. Their essays shed new light on the present by describing how race and racism have mattered in particular Andean and
> Mesoamerican societies at specific moments in time.
> Contributors
> Rossana Barragán
> Kathryn Burns
> Andrés Calla
> Pamela Calla
> Rudi Colloredo-Mansfeld
> María Elena García
> Laura Gotkowitz
> Charles R. Hale
> Brooke Larson
> Claudio Lomnitz
> José Antonio Lucero
> Florencia E. Mallon
> Khantuta Muruchi
> Deborah Poole
> Seemin Qayum
> Arturo Taracena Arriola
> Sinclair Thomson
> Esteban Ticona Alejo
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