This is an excerpt from Transatlantcism: New York – Copenhagen [And Then Press, 2021], a back and forth epoch poem written through email exchanges where one person wrote a stanza or two and the other responded in kind.
© 2021 Robert Roth & Jens O. Magnussen
Artwork: Jens O. Magnussen
All rights reserved
Cover design by: John Hyldgaard
Library of Congress Control
Number: 2018675309
Printed in the United States of America
And Then Press
Rosa is woken from a deep sleep
A night of drinking has taken a toll
It has been happening more than usual
More really than ever before
Where did the morning go
She wonders as she stumbles out of bed
Where is Signe
Why isn’t she here
She smacks her pillow
And throws it on the floor
An unfinished painting
No energy there pulling her towards it
This wasn’t how it was supposed to be
She boils water for her tea
“Was she just being a possessive fool?”
she thought as the water boiled.
She was well aware that Signe was all her own,
that she was attracted equally to men and women
and that any attempt on her part
to pull her closer
would be counterproductive.
Oh, all these speculations fed by jealousy’s sour spices
got her nowhere!
And even if it was over now
she had enjoyed the cornucopia of their love.
She almost missed Jack’s loyal affection
but after Signe there was no turning back.
Salwa hadn’t heard from Dalia for a couple of days
His concern grew as she didn’t answer her phone
He had just completed a ten part series
Immigrant Enclaves in Queens
The series was the talk of the town
Batya Rosenberg, his photographer collaborator
Had shot extraordinarily evocative scenes
He loved working with her
Still he felt empty about it
Cheap thrills for the upper bourgeoisie he thought bitterly
Another thing for them to talk about, get high on emotion about
Where is Dalia? He called Marcel.
He hadn’t spoken to her for a week
Salwa called his sister, Dalia’s mother, but she hadn’t heard either
Which was unusual
Maybe it’s nothing
She is a kid and maybe is just caught up with things
With a genius like hers you never know when it catches fire
Where is Dalia?!
Where is Dalia in this writer’s head?
Is she alive or dead?
has she slipped out of a back door
to a floor of her own,
or has she been kidnapped
now tied up in a basement all alone?
Where is Dalia?
Has she fled her new song
feeling something’s wrong,
gone back to France
trying to find the original spark?
Is she with the aliens or the ravens,
or has she simply fallen head over heels in love
and is now with the chosen one
forgetting all about time and place
enjoying this new grace of life
longing to become his wife?
Has she been picked up by the police
on some ridiculous pretense,
now being questioned about God knows what,
or has she fallen through a hole in reality like Alice
now walking through worlds of weird wonders,
where cellphones become butterflies
and there’s no difference between truths and lies?
Where is Dalia?
The writer stares hard into the wallpaper
hoping to conjure up her face,
but all he sees are
hippos, pelicans, giraffes, elephants and cheetahs.
Where is Dalia?!
Jens and Robert, Robert and Jens
They try and control me
One moves me here
The other moves me there
I go along
But it makes me crazy.
I’m tired
I’m bored
I’m fed up
They’re worse than parents
Worse than school teachers
Worse than those control freak extra terrestrials
Worse than creatures that live underground
Worse even than governments
I know that one would hurt them
Well okay they’re not as bad as governments
“Salwa, do you do that in your articles?
Make things up, make up false names
How do you choose what quotes to use,
Do you make composites of people you interview?”
“Dalia, I do my best. But I try not to let J & R control everything I do.
I am a reporter true to my calling. That’s me talking not them.
I get to the truth as best I can.
By the way, since when have you been using words like composites?”
“I love that word. It’s the title of my new song. Will sing it for you later.”
“Why not now, Dalia?
Let J & R hear what you can do on your own.”
“Don’t be silly, Salwa!
You know i’m just a vague idea without their words.
They’re the kind of poetic parents, who just can’t let go.
Can’t let go of any of us, but can’t keep track of us all either.
Maybe they can’t even speak my mind,
but I have to speak theirs.
Well, who cares!
I’m just one more character in an endless dream,
a cute puppet in a crazy parade!
Don’t tell me otherwise, Salwa,
I know you won’t lie to me!”
Salwa scratched his beard,
“Of course not dear, but you are a puppet that can sing!
Sing for me, Dalia. Sing for J & R
and the whole world will listen!”
I’m not a soulful Arab girl
I’m not a defiant woman
I’m not a trembling superstar
I’m not a hard act to follow
I’m not a quiet mouse
I’m not a boisterous leader
I’m not a composite of their dreams
Or the living nightmare of their desires
I’m Dalia
Nothing more, Nothing less
I’m Dalia
Nothing more, Nothing less
Bless her
Singing us all real as flesh and blood
Dreams coming true for me and you
Everybody joined in
and soon Needle in the Haystack
was the center of the world
Like by magic all our characters,
from Henry Paul, Murphy, even the Norwegian troll,
Signe, Rosie, Jack, Marcel,
to Caipiuvex and his prankster fellow aliens
in the shape of three fleeting Obamas,
Rachel, Achmed and all the rest of them
sang along and were heard
from Greenland to South Africa,
in Rio, Berlin, Stockholm, London, Moscow, Rome,
Cairo, Rabat, Beijing, Hanoi a. s. o.
And soon Black lives Matter, Me Too, March for our Lives
And every civil rights movement that ever voiced its point
were there.
New York was buzzing with positive, love embracing energy.
Even the sun got a smile on its face!
And so let’s conclude this long Transatlantic journey
With one last look at Grip
watching everything with his head askew
and one pearly eye closed,
“Well, how about that! All together now. Dalia did it!
Never say die! I’m a devil!”
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No se permiten comentarios anonimos, incendiarios, agresivos, despectivos, degradantes ni ad hominem de ningun tipo. Se requieren comentarios bien pensados. Las discrepancias deben ser debidamente sustentadas y no basarse en generalizaciones. Hawansuyo no trata de convencer a nadie de nada y estamos seguros que nos equivocamos a cada rato.