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Our social life. Myrna Nieves and Robert Roth

 Chaynas machunanay kaspa

Myrna Nieves y Robert Roth

Visits, phone calls, emails, texts to 

the eye doctor, throat doctor, heart doctor, primary care doctor, asthma doctor, skin doctor, foot doctor, gout doctor, nutritionist, physical therapist, billing department, right lower back doctor,

nose-throat-ear doctor, vascular surgery doctor, Irritable Bowel Syndrome doctor, dentist, dental surgeon, root canal specialist, gastroenterologist (digestive diseases doctor), rheumatologist.

Book trips with Access-a-Ride, talk to Medicare, and talk to  other medical and prescription medications insurance plans.

Buy: a walker, a cane, knee brace, heel brace, shoulder brace, elbow brace, back brace, heating pad, hearing aids, shoe insoles, shoe pads, and toe separators.


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